Friday, March 18, 2011

Dumb Gift

So, as I’ve been browsing around this site, I’ve noticed that some gifts are really clever and would make great gag gifts. And other gifts... are not, and would not. Today, I think I found a prime example of the second category.

It’s called the Over the Hill “Crying Towel.” And it’s just a towel. Oh, and with a picture of a rocking chair on it. The rocking chair design is a kind of clever idea, I guess. But what kind of gag gift is a towel? The product description basically says old people cry every night. Now, I’m a little confused about this product for a couple of reasons. First, I’ve never met anyone who used a towel to dry their tears. And second, even if I had, what’s that got to do with getting old? That’s just dumb. Nobody cries just because they’re getting old. I have to confess, I just really don’t understand why this is a gag gift on a site of gifts for aging people. It doesn’t make much sense to me. Oh well, maybe I’m missing something. I’ve often found that I’m not young enough to understand things like this - maybe this time I’m not old enough? Do any of you understand this gift?

Friday, March 4, 2011

Got the blues?

I don’t know where it came from, but I know there’s some saying about the birthday blues and aging people especially are associated with the blues, for some reason. Well, the reason’s kind of obvious. But I’m still not sure why it’s such a popular saying. Anyways, old people sometimes get the blues. Luckily, I know George isn’t feeling those blues yet, but the reason I bring it up is I found this fun gift called the Birthday Blues Kit:

All it really is is some dark sunglasses and a harmonica, but what more do you need to play the blues, right? It comes with a funny little card listing types of birthday blues too. I saw this and thought it was pretty cute. Those sunglasses remind me of some character in a movie that George really loves, but for the life of me I can’t remember what the movie’s called. But I think he’d get a kick out of them because he’d recognize them from that. And he’d play a little tune on the harmonica at the party and everybody would get a good laugh from that. I don’t know if I’ll really get this - there are probably going to be all kinds of other gifts I find that are better - but it’s a fun little thing so I thought I’d post it anyways. Oh well, the search continues!