This one’s a floor sign, like those wet floor signs, you know? The picture even kind of looks like those, except the man has a walking cane because he’s so old! I thought this was really funny. I know it’s a lot like the old zone barricade I found earlier but I think I like this a lot more. It looks like this one even lights up! Plus the fact that it looks like a wet floor sign is funny and I’m sure all the guests will get a great laugh out of it. But I do really like the inflatable barricade too. Maybe I’ll get both? I don’t know what other kinds of decorations I’m going to have for the party, probably not many, but you can never have too many funny ones! So I think it might be good to have both and put them in different areas of the party. That way people can laugh at the funny decorations no matter where they are! I hope I find more stuff like this because now that I’ve seen this kind of stuff is out there I want more and more. These will make George’s party so much more exciting, don’t you think? I think so! I’m glad I found these!