You all get the joke, right? When people start to go senile people say they’ve “lost their marbles.” Well, this is a replacement kit! It’s like real marbles to replace the metaphorical ones you’ve lost, get it? I know it’s a little kitschy and cheesy but I think it’s priceless. And maybe it’s a little expensive for 8 marbles but it’s just a perfect gag gift and where else am I going to find some marbles? And even if I did, I don’t think he’d get the joke without the packaging. This is like the perfect joke for George, too, because he’s starting to forget stuff and act senile more and more and I tease him all the time and never let him hear the end of it. Sometimes he’ll forget he already put the coffee on or already put his watch on and go looking for it, and he can never remember where he put the keys. Obviously he isn’t really senile yet, but that’s the whole point of the joke! He’ll think it’s funny and some of his best friends probably will too because I know they know what I’m talking about. I don’t know what we’ll do with marbles after the party, though, but that isn’t the point. This should be a hilarious gag gift both for me to give and him to receive!
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