It’s a prune juice shot glass! The joke is that you’re supposed to take shots of prune juice out of it, because older people need prune juice to help them stay... “regular” because they’re getting old. That’s a funny gag gift and I bet George would laugh at that! But obviously the shot glass isn’t really to drink prune juice out of, although now that I’m thinking of it, maybe I’ll buy a little bit and make him do one shot of it at the party. Or maybe I could offer it to anyone who wants to and give a little prize if someone does! The old brain’s firing up thinking of all kinds of ideas now! But anyways, the glass isn’t really met for prune juice, it’s meant for alcohol. And while I haven’t been able to take a shot since I was in my twenties (they seem so long ago now!) I know George is still capable of it when he wants to, even though he doesn’t drink much any more. But we’ve gone to the bars with some of our younger (or younger at heart, at least) friends and I’ve seen that he can still knock a few back. So this could be fun for that at the party too. It looks like a pretty tall shot glass, so maybe those measurements on it (the ones that say regular and lax and “super pooper”) measure out one, two, or three shots? I’m not sure. We could just measure it out if nothing else. Anyways, this looks like a fun little gift and activity for the party, so I think I might get one of these. It should be fun!
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