The call it the over the hill tool belt. Of course, I don’t know what else they’d call it, because that is exactly what it is. It’s made to look like a tool belt with various tools attached to it, except that instead of normal tools they’re an assortment of little old age gag gifts. And these gag gifts seem like my sons’ sense of humor – things like a “fart alarm” whistle and a fake Tylenol-like medicine called “Tyrd-N-Old”. I think George will appreciate and get a kick out of this gift, especially if it’s coming from one of the boys. So that takes care of shopping for one of them. Now, I wonder what I’m going to do for the other one. It should be something like this, pretty cheap and an assortment of little gifts. Maybe that birthday blues kit I posted about a while back. But maybe I’ll find something better. I’ll just have to keep my eyes open and be on the lookout for another gift from our other son. And, of course, I still need to figure out what I’m getting him for sure. Right now I just have a bunch of ideas floating around in my head – seems like it’s like that more and more these days, huh? Okay, well, that’s all I’ve got to talk about for now. Talk to you next time!
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